Entrada manuscrita
O caractere "供" tem 8 traços. "供" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "供" tem 2 pronúncias, é um caractere polissilábico. As pronúncias de "供" são "gòng" "gōng" . Ver a ordem de traços de "供">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "供"
v.: supply; provide; furnish; provide certain convenience or support; present/lay incense or offerings (before the picture of a god or the deceased); assume office; take charge of; go in for; be engaged in; confess; own up
n.: (religious or sacrificial) offerings; confession
- supply : v.供应;提供
- provide : v.提供;供应;供给;为…作充分准备;规定;订定;任命担任有俸神职;给予;配备;准备好
- furnish : v.为(房子;房间)配备家具和家用设施;供应;为某人提供;将…供应给某人;是…的来源
- take charge of : 负责, 照管
- go in for : 参加;爱好
- be engaged in : 从事;参与
- confess : v.认罪;认错;供认;招供;交代;勉强承认;宣称;忏悔;告解;聆听…忏悔
- own up : 坦白;承认;供认
- confession : n.认罪;供认;招供;供状;信仰声明;承认;坦白;认错;忏悔
Fazer palavras com "供"
供气管 air supply pipe/tube; gas supply pipe/tube
供气泵 air feed pump
房贷月供 monthly mortgage payment
求大于供 demand exceeds supply
供出口的商品 commodities available for export
遗赠尸体供科学研究 will one's body to science
供两个孩子上大学 maintain two children at university
Frases de exemplo com "供"
This salt has been purified for use in medicine.
Original novels are adapted for use in middle schools.
The police elicited a confession from him.
Her brother pays her tuition.
[mass noun]he never lent his treasures out for exhibition.
A one-roomed cottage intended to accommodate a family.
It's a kind of wine bar for royals, forsooth.
She lodged this idea in the back of her mind for future reference.
A private dining room where members could entertain groups of friends.
A hostel for down-and-outs.