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O caractere "跃" tem 11 traços. "跃" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "跃" tem 1 pronúncias, . As pronúncias de "跃" são "yuè" . Ver a ordem de traços de "跃">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "跃"
v.: leap; jump; hop; skip; bound; spring
- leap : v.飞跃;跳;跳跃;跳过;跳越;飞快移动;突然行动;急不可待地行动;急切接受;飞涨;急剧增长
- jump : v.跳;跃;跳跃;突然快速地行动;助推启动;跳过;略过;突然抖动;越过
- hop : v.单脚跳;用啤酒花调味;使兴奋;刺激;跳跃;跳过;齐足跳;跃过;作快速旅行
- skip : v.轻快地蹦跳;当(运动队的)领队;跳绳;错过;不参加;偷偷溜走;轻松跳过;消失;跳;略过
- bound : v.跳动;跳跃着前进;形成界限;关;围入;限制;弹回;弹开
- spring : v.跳;跃;蹦;发源于;来自;给(车辆;家具)装上软垫;翘曲;裂开;付账;突然发现;撞见
Fazer palavras com "跃"
Frases de exemplo com "跃"
The output of some important products mainly manufactured by state-owned enterprises has taken the lead in the world.
On the count of three, you're going to start hopping on one foot.
鱼 跃的血压计质量好么?
Is the tonometer quality of fish dive good?
Now, the export volume of flowers in this area ranks the top in their country.
Full of activity or engaged in continuous activity.
The fish plopped back into the river.
Create a circle while hopping on one foot.
Flying kites over the wall.
鲤鱼成功的跳越急滩和跃跳过瀑布, 变成鱼龙.
Carp, who successfully jump rapids and leap over waterfalls, change into fish - dragons.
王再跃, 产品开发总监, 联想集团外设数码事业部。
Wang Zaiyue, Director, Product Development, Peripheral Business Department, SSP Lenovo.