O caractere "菜" tem 11 traços. "菜" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "菜" tem 1 pronúncias, . As pronúncias de "菜" são "cài" . Ver a ordem de traços de "菜">>

O significado básico do caractere chinês "菜"

n.: vegetable; greens; rape; dish; course; edible wild herbs

adj.: lousy; poor quality; incompetent

Fazer palavras com "菜"

三样菜 three dishes

时令菜 vegetables in season

落令菜 vegetables out of season

家乡菜 hometown food

放心菜 quality-assured vegetables

扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine; Yangzhou style food

菜筐子 food basket

菜铲子 spatula

娃娃菜 baby Chinese cabbage [a kind of small tender pakchoi]

一桌子菜 a tableful of dishes

沙拉装饰菜 salad garnish

擗菜叶子 strip off vegetable leaves

吃四道菜 have four courses

味道清淡的菜 lightly seasoned dishes

一道味同嚼蜡的菜 an insipid dish

令人馋涎欲滴的菜香 appetizing smell from the dish

把菜吃个精打光 eat up all the dishes

Frases de exemplo com "菜"

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