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O caractere "精" tem 14 traços. "精" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "精" tem 1 pronúncias, . As pronúncias de "精" são "jīng" . Ver a ordem de traços de "精">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "精"
n.: choice rice; essence; spirit; concentrate; extract; energy; vigour; sperm; semen; seed; goblin; demon; fundamental substance which maintains the functioning of the body; essence of life
adj.: refined; polished; picked; choice; perfect; excellent; essential; skilled; versed; conversant; proficient; fine; delicate; exquisite; meticulous; smart; sharp; clever; shrewd
adv.: very; extremely; awfully
- essence : n.本质;实质;要素;香精;香料
- spirit : n.精神;心灵;心;心智;精神实质;气质;特质;核心精神;烈性酒
- concentrate : v.全神贯注;全力以赴;聚精会神;集中;聚集;浓缩;注重;集合
- extract : v.取出;拔出;提取;提炼;摘录;选取;总结出;抄录;推断出;引申出
- energy : n.活力;干劲;能;能量;能级;精力;力量
- vigour : n.体力;精力;活力;热情;努力;茁壮成长
- sperm : n.精液
- semen : n.精液
- seed : n.种子;籽;种子选手;种子队;萌芽;晶种;晶粒;一定数量的种子;原因;子孙
- goblin : n.小精灵
- demon : n.魔鬼;恶魔;精灵;警察;守护程序
- refined : adj.精炼的;精制的;精确的;有教养的;文雅的;高雅的;灵活巧妙的
- polished : adj.擦光的;擦亮的;抛光的;优雅的;完美的;精湛的;有教养的;老练的;精的;碾净的
- picked : adj.精选的;采摘的;摘下的
- choice : n.选择;抉择;选择权;选择范围;选择能力;入选者;可供选择的机会;选中的行动步骤;入选物
- perfect : adj.完美的;完善的;理想的;绝对的;完全的;完成时的;完成体的;有雌雄蕊的
- excellent : adj.极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的
- essential : adj.必不可少的;绝对必要的;非常重要的;自发的;原发的;特发的;基本的;本质的;精华的;精髓的
- skilled : adj.有技能的;有技巧的;熟练的;显示技巧的;需要技能的;需要技巧的
- versed : adj.熟练的;精通的
- conversant : adj.熟悉的;精通的
- proficient : adj.精通的;熟练的
- fine : adj.优质的;高品质的;纤细的;晴朗的;在三柱门后面的;好的;行的;健康的;壮观的;令人满意的;允许的
- delicate : adj.细腻的;精巧的;精美的;精致的;易碎的;易坏的;脆弱的;难以处理的;微妙的;柔和的
- exquisite : adj.极美的;精美的;精致的;敏锐的;剧烈的;极具鉴赏力的
- meticulous : adj.十分注意细节的;一丝不苟的
- smart : adj.整洁的;衣着得体的;聪明的;迅速的;轻快的;漂亮的;时髦的;表面光亮的;新的
- sharp : adj.锋利的;尖利的;尖的;有突边的;突然的;明显的;偏高的
- clever : adj.聪明的;伶俐的;健壮的;健康的;灵巧的;机敏的;熟练的;有才能的;明智的
- shrewd : adj.精明的;敏锐的;机灵的;寒冷刺骨的;凛冽的;尖锐的;沉重的;邪恶的;恶意的
- very : adv.很;非常;十分;甚;极其;颇;十足;完全
- extremely : adv.非常;极端地;极其;很
- awfully : adv.很;非常;糟糕地
Fazer palavras com "精"
咖啡精 coffee essence/extract
珍珠精 pearl essence; pearl white
香草精 vanilla extract
精制糖 refined sugar
桂圆精 longan flavour instant powder
鱼肝油精 cod-liver oil extract
精赤条条 stark naked; completely bare
门槛精 play one's card well
精轧辊 finishing roll
把积蓄花个精打光 exhaust one's savings
把菜吃个精打光 eat up all the dishes
Frases de exemplo com "精"
Troops are valued for their quality rather than quantity.
[with obj. and complement]she was branded as a liar.
The following answer seems beyond dispute: They are getting more and more intelligent.
再加入香草, 杏仁精,酸奶油.
Add vanilla, almond extract and sour cream.
What size bottle of White Cat detergent do you want?
The paper mainly introduces the principle of colded precision rolling machine and the process parameter.
Grinding a stone refers to learning seriously and diligently.
I'm gonna add to it one quarter of a teaspoon of sticky vanilla.
加入香草精和胡萝卜丝, 拌匀。
Add the vanilla and the carrots and beat until thoroughly mixed.
Hand wash garment, additional 100%.