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O caractere "正" tem 5 traços. "正" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "正" tem 2 pronúncias, é um caractere polissilábico. As pronúncias de "正" são "zhèng" "zhēng" . Ver a ordem de traços de "正">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "正"
n.: first month of the lunar year; first moon
adj.: straight; upright; situated in the middle; main; standard; regular; honest; correct; right; (of colour, flavour, etc) pure and unadulterated; principal; chief; obverse; positive; plus; (of time) punctual; sharp; (of figures, designs, etc) regular
v.: straighten; put sth straight; set right; rectify; correct one's thinking; correct (mistakes, etc); make right
adv.: (of an action) just happening; just continuing; just; right; exactly
- straight : adj.直的;笔直的;平正的;笔挺的;端正的;对称的;坦率的;率直的;诚实的;正直的;连续的;没有稀释的;纯的;严肃的;用传统方法的
- upright : adj.垂直的;笔直的;直的;直立的;诚实的;正直的;立式的;高度大于宽度的;竖着用的
- main : adj.主要的;首要的
- standard : n.标准;水平;尺度;榜样;被保持垂直或挺立的物体;流行曲调;规范;标准语
- regular : adj.恒定的;规则的;经常的;频繁的;符合手续的;正当的;寻常的;通常的;惯常的;规则变化的;正的;呈放射状对称的
- honest : adj.诚实的;老实的;真诚的;正直的;朴实的;简单的;贞洁的;单纯的;用正当手段获得的;无可责备的
- correct : adj.正确的;无误的;符合真实情况的;对的;得体的;符合要求的;未犯错误的;没有错的;合适的;合乎社会规范的
- right : adj.端正的;正当的;正义的;理所当然的;正确的;对的;准确的;右边的;右肢体的;右肢体穿戴的;十足的;绝对的;支持保守观点的;右翼的;右派的
- principal : adj.首要的;主要的;本金的;母金的
- chief : n.首领;酋长;上段;老板;头儿;最高长官;长官;主带
- obverse : n.正面;对立面;对应物;正面图案
- positive : adj.实际的;实在的;真实的;毋庸置疑的;明确的;正电的;正片的;正像的;原级的;实证的;正的;积极的
- plus : prep.加;零上;以及;和
- sharp : adj.锋利的;尖利的;尖的;有突边的;突然的;明显的;偏高的
- straighten : v.把… 弄直;挺直;平正;变直;整理;清理;站直;坐直;不再转弯而直线行进
- rectify : v.纠正;矫正;修正;整顿;整流;把(交流电)转变成直流电;求曲线的直线等长
- just : adj.正义的;公正的;应得的;适当的;有充分根据的;恰如其分的;有理由的;无可非议的
- exactly : adv.精确地;准确地;确切地;确切地说;明确地;正是如此;一点不错
Fazer palavras com "正"
正磷酸盐 orthophosphate
正火炉 normalizing furnace
正教授级 rank of full professor
正六面体 regular hexahedron
正宫娘娘 empress; emperor's wife
正棱锥 regular pyramid
正剖面 right section
正西方 due west
传递正能量 spread positive energy
正垂直偏斜 positive vertical divergence (+V.D.)
聚集正能量 pool positive energy
瞄准正中心 aim for the dead centre
美国正教会 American Orthodox Church
希腊正教会 Greek Orthodox Church
把照片挂正 hang the picture straight
Frases de exemplo com "正"
The TV station is running a Spring Festival programme of entertainment.
The shirt and the tie are colour coordinates.
The world was suffering from an intense economic depression.
Our company is busy restructuring to meet new demands.
What his mother said was just what he had in mind.
He’s preparing the field for planting cotton.
Reform is in full swing.
Women are making headway in the business circles.
That country is slipping into an economic mire.
The world is making its way into the 21st century.