O caractere "圈" tem 11 traços. "圈" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "圈" tem 3 pronúncias, é um caractere polissilábico. As pronúncias de "圈" são "quān" "juàn" "juān" . Ver a ordem de traços de "圈">>

O significado básico do caractere chinês "圈"

v.: shut in a pen/coop; pen in; lock up; mark with a circle; circle; encircle; enclose; raise or make money

n.: (of livestock) pen; fold; sty; ring; circle; circuit

Fazer palavras com "圈"

金融圈 financial circles

博客圈 blogsphere

智力圈 noosphere

毡垫圈 felt washer

隔离圈 isolation stall

防尘圈 dust ring; dustband

圈养牛 cattle raised in pens

电离圈 ionosphere

仙人圈 fairy ring

活塞圈 piston ring

动物圈 zoosphere

经度圈 circle of longitude

纬度圈 latitude circle

水汽圈 water atmosphere

浇口圈 runner bush

商业圈 business/commercial belt

洋葱圈 onion ring

网络圈 web ring

聚焦圈 focusing circle/ring

绕地球30圈 circle the earth thirty times

Frases de exemplo com "圈"

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