Entrada manuscrita
O caractere "加" tem 5 traços. "加" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "加" tem 1 pronúncias, . As pronúncias de "加" são "jiā" . Ver a ordem de traços de "加">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "加"
v.: put one thing on top of another; add; put in; increase; raise; augment; impose
- add : v.增加;添加;加起来;补充一句;进一步说
- put in : 插嘴,插话;花费,投入;放进,放入;申请,要求;(船)停靠码头;入港
- increase : v.增长;增加;增进;增强
- raise : v.举起;把…往上提;使升高;提高;增大;使被听见;使被考虑;使得到讨论;筹集;募集;养育;教养;使复活;解除;把…从窝里赶出;刺激…生成
- augment : v.增大;增加
- impose : v.把… 强加;利用;把…拼版;实施;要求履行;要求付;要求接受;对…施加严格控制
Fazer palavras com "加"
加钙奶 calcium-fortified milk
加标点 punctuate
加碱裂解 alkaline splitting
加填料 filling material
加保费 additional premium (AP)
加铅汽油 leaded petrol;leaded gasoline
加些许盐 add a little salt
小米加步枪 millet plus rifles
把这些数目加起来 add up the figures
给炉子加燃料 fire a furnace
番茄加生菜三明治 tomato-and-lettuce sandwich
给大衣加内衬 interline a coat
把罪名加在我身上 charge me with the guilt
Frases de exemplo com "加"
We should advocate working hard and intelligently and avoid doing things blindly.
The event was arranged with a speed and efficiency that does you credit.
Genius is nothing but labour and diligence.
The new edition of the book includes some latest data while its layout remains unchanged.
The chef thickened the sauce with flour.
She was given a promotion and a rise.
The book was reissued with a new epilogue.
We will be landing at Gatwick Airport in a few moments.
Spring rolls on chinese leaf with gingered sauce.
Boiling with soda will reduce your peas to pulp.