Entrada manuscrita
O caractere "估" tem 7 traços. "估" é um dos 3500 caracteres comuns. O caractere "估" tem 2 pronúncias, é um caractere polissilábico. As pronúncias de "估" são "gū" "gù" . Ver a ordem de traços de "估">>
O significado básico do caractere chinês "估"
v.: estimate; appraise; assess
- estimate : v.估计;评价;判断
- appraise : v.评价;估价;评估质量;评价…的表现;为…定价;为…估价
- assess : v.估算;估计;计算…的价钱;估计…的价值;确定…的应收税款
Fazer palavras com "估"
估定额 assessed amount
Frases de exemplo com "估"
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
To calculate a company's true cost of float.
I guess I put on a show to impress or entertain others.
Evaluate v. calculate the value or degree of
Esoteric securities backed by these mortgages were grossly mis-valued by the computer models of big banks and credit rating agencies.
The result indicates that difficulty evaluation in the way of employing factors influencing difficulty is better than estimating directly;